“Most people believe that a salesperson must be likable, suave, and have a way with words, especially when it comes to pitching a client.

While this is mostly true, there’s one minor thing the majority gets wrong. Today, I’m going to explain to you why, quite honestly, no one gives a rat’s ass about what you have to pitch to them. All you need to do is listen and know how to respond because no one cares what you as a salesperson has to say.

The most important skill a salesperson has is listening. If you have the ability to truly listen, and I mean really listen, then you’ll be able to respond to what you heard with solutions rather than just an answer. This is how you’ll do better than the majority of sales reps and get ahead.

Think about it. No one is listening to anyone. Wives don’t listen to their husbands, sisters don’t respond to their brothers, children most definitely tune their parents out at the first opportunity they get.

Take the time to hear your clients’ needs and hold your tongue until you have something relevant to say that could help them. And always remember people care about their own needs and what they have to say first and foremost.”

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